Friday, June 10, 2011


Holy crap, I LOVE this show! When I first heard about a long time ago, I wasn't sure of it, but then, I recently started to watch it... And then I got sucked in and now I've gotten done with all six seasons. Can't wait for it to start up in September! :D

Expect more Supernatural arts from me in the future. c:

End of the year arts.

These are some of the artwork from the last few months of school. Crazy, I can't believe I've been out for a month already! o.o I really need to get a job... >.>

Anatomies! :D

Haha, so this is what I basically had to know for my anatomy final during school. Yes. All of it. o.o

And awesomely enough, I got an A on it! Woo! :D